Salafi Accusation :
Committing shirk by attributing the Characteristics Of Allah to Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Awliya-Allah رضي الله عنه
[Please note that this Salafi Proof is not from Quran and Sunnah, but the Salafies are only using their Logic (better to say that they are using Qiyyas (Conjecture)] The Salafies claim that if it to be believed that:
Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم can hear us after his death,
And Rasool Allah [saww] can hear us even from a remote distance , And To Call Awliya-Allah with Names Like Dastgeer , Data or Ghareeb Nawaz ETC .
Then it is like committing shirk by attributing the Characteristics of Allah to other than him. They say It is only Allah who is ever living and only He has the power of Hearing from near/ far distances. In order to believe that Rasool Allah [saww] can also hear us, it should be believed that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Sam'i beside Allah (and it is Shirk).
Answer and Explination :
Salafis suffer from a Disease, The Disease of Figurative/ Allegorical and Literal expressions. We believe that Sami'i is the attribute of Allah, but Allah has also the power to give a part of his Characteristics to his creatures (Makhlooq). And it doesn't mean that by doing so, Allah makes that creature his Partner in those characteristics. The attributes of Allah are Absolute while of creature are only Given and cannot be compared with his attributes.
Let us seek more guidance and proofs from the Quran in this regard:
Karim (Honour) is an attribute of Allah, yet quran testifies that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Karim(Honoured).
Allah uses the attribute of Karim for himself.
[Yusufali 27:40]...... truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour !"
Yet Allah in this same Quran also says about his Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
[Yusufali 69:40] That this is verily the word of an honoured messenger;
Indeed Karim (honoured), when attributed to Allah then it is in it's literal meaning, and when attributed to Rasool Allah [saww] then it is in it's figurative/ allegorical meaning. Or do you believe that Allah is himself committing shirk by attributing his characteristic to others than him?
Qawi is an attribute of Allah, yet quran testifies that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Qawi.
Allah says about himself in Quran:
[Yusufali 22:74] .......... for Allah is He Who is strong and able to Carry out His Will.
And at the same time Quran says aboutRasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
[Yusufali 81:20] Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne,
Is Allah committing here shirk by attributing his Characteristic to Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ?????????
In fact, there are several times that Allah is be-stowing a mark of honour on his Prophets [as] by attributing some of his Characteristics for them in Quran. For example:
Alim (Knowing): An attribute of Allah, yet Ismail [as] is also remembered as Alim.
Halim (Forbearing): An attribute of Allah, yet Ibrahim and Ismail [as] are
remembered as Halim
Shakur (Thankful): An attribute of Allah, yet Nuh [as] is also remembered as Shakur.
Sabur (Patient): An attribute of Allah, yet Ayyub [as] is also remembered as Sabur.
Barr (Devoted): An attribute of Allah, yet Isa and Yahya [as] are remembered as Barr
Allah says In Quran :
Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and they bow down (submit themselves with obedience to Allah in prayer) . [Muhsin/Hilali 5:55]
Note That Allah in The Above Verse Has used the Attribute "WALI" with Himself as well as For Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم , The Believers , Those who Bow down , perform salat and Give Zakat , If salafi Concept is To Be followed Then Nozabillah we would have No other Option Except to call "Allah a Mushrik (Nozabillah)" Because Allah has Associated His Attribute with Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
and Other Believers and If it is to be believed That it is Shrik to associate The attributes of Allah with Others Then Nozabillah It Makes Allah a Mushrik ... what a Non-sencial Understanding of Deen salafis Have .....
The same Attributes of Allah have been used By Allah for His servants too. But it doesn't mean that these servants of Allah have become Shareholders of these Attributes with Allah. They are not the owner, but only given a part of it by Allah out of his bounty and mercy.
The Salafies cannot simply deny these established proofs from Quran and Sunnah by using their Conjecture (Qiyyas) only.
When we say Allah is Karim/Dastgeer/Data/Moula , then it is in Absolute/Real sense. And when we say that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is Karim or Awliya is Dastgeer , Data , Gareeb Nawaz then it is not in Absolute and Real sense, but we have to do Taweel (Elucidation) that this expression has been used here in figurative/ allegorical sense.
And if the Salafies are still not ready to accept that there is Majaaz in Quran which needs Taweel, then they surely make all the Muslims Mushrik, along with Allah and his beloved Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
Committing shirk by attributing the Characteristics Of Allah to Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم and Awliya-Allah رضي الله عنه
[Please note that this Salafi Proof is not from Quran and Sunnah, but the Salafies are only using their Logic (better to say that they are using Qiyyas (Conjecture)] The Salafies claim that if it to be believed that:
Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم can hear us after his death,
And Rasool Allah [saww] can hear us even from a remote distance , And To Call Awliya-Allah with Names Like Dastgeer , Data or Ghareeb Nawaz ETC .
Then it is like committing shirk by attributing the Characteristics of Allah to other than him. They say It is only Allah who is ever living and only He has the power of Hearing from near/ far distances. In order to believe that Rasool Allah [saww] can also hear us, it should be believed that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Sam'i beside Allah (and it is Shirk).
Answer and Explination :
Salafis suffer from a Disease, The Disease of Figurative/ Allegorical and Literal expressions. We believe that Sami'i is the attribute of Allah, but Allah has also the power to give a part of his Characteristics to his creatures (Makhlooq). And it doesn't mean that by doing so, Allah makes that creature his Partner in those characteristics. The attributes of Allah are Absolute while of creature are only Given and cannot be compared with his attributes.
Let us seek more guidance and proofs from the Quran in this regard:
Karim (Honour) is an attribute of Allah, yet quran testifies that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Karim(Honoured).
Allah uses the attribute of Karim for himself.
[Yusufali 27:40]...... truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in Honour !"
Yet Allah in this same Quran also says about his Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
[Yusufali 69:40] That this is verily the word of an honoured messenger;
Indeed Karim (honoured), when attributed to Allah then it is in it's literal meaning, and when attributed to Rasool Allah [saww] then it is in it's figurative/ allegorical meaning. Or do you believe that Allah is himself committing shirk by attributing his characteristic to others than him?
Qawi is an attribute of Allah, yet quran testifies that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is also Qawi.
Allah says about himself in Quran:
[Yusufali 22:74] .......... for Allah is He Who is strong and able to Carry out His Will.
And at the same time Quran says aboutRasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم :
[Yusufali 81:20] Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne,
Is Allah committing here shirk by attributing his Characteristic to Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ?????????
In fact, there are several times that Allah is be-stowing a mark of honour on his Prophets [as] by attributing some of his Characteristics for them in Quran. For example:
Alim (Knowing): An attribute of Allah, yet Ismail [as] is also remembered as Alim.
Halim (Forbearing): An attribute of Allah, yet Ibrahim and Ismail [as] are
remembered as Halim
Shakur (Thankful): An attribute of Allah, yet Nuh [as] is also remembered as Shakur.
Sabur (Patient): An attribute of Allah, yet Ayyub [as] is also remembered as Sabur.
Barr (Devoted): An attribute of Allah, yet Isa and Yahya [as] are remembered as Barr
Allah says In Quran :
Verily, your Walee (Protector or Helper) is Allah, His Messenger, and the believers, - those who perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, and they bow down (submit themselves with obedience to Allah in prayer) . [Muhsin/Hilali 5:55]
Note That Allah in The Above Verse Has used the Attribute "WALI" with Himself as well as For Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم , The Believers , Those who Bow down , perform salat and Give Zakat , If salafi Concept is To Be followed Then Nozabillah we would have No other Option Except to call "Allah a Mushrik (Nozabillah)" Because Allah has Associated His Attribute with Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
and Other Believers and If it is to be believed That it is Shrik to associate The attributes of Allah with Others Then Nozabillah It Makes Allah a Mushrik ... what a Non-sencial Understanding of Deen salafis Have .....
The same Attributes of Allah have been used By Allah for His servants too. But it doesn't mean that these servants of Allah have become Shareholders of these Attributes with Allah. They are not the owner, but only given a part of it by Allah out of his bounty and mercy.
The Salafies cannot simply deny these established proofs from Quran and Sunnah by using their Conjecture (Qiyyas) only.
When we say Allah is Karim/Dastgeer/Data/Moula , then it is in Absolute/Real sense. And when we say that Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is Karim or Awliya is Dastgeer , Data , Gareeb Nawaz then it is not in Absolute and Real sense, but we have to do Taweel (Elucidation) that this expression has been used here in figurative/ allegorical sense.
And if the Salafies are still not ready to accept that there is Majaaz in Quran which needs Taweel, then they surely make all the Muslims Mushrik, along with Allah and his beloved Rasool-Allah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
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